Monday, April 19, 2010

Top Qualities in Attracting Girl(Patna College Girl having sex with a lucky Guy inside a car very Hot one)

To set the foundation for applying specific techniques in pickup/dating science, it is important to understand the essential Attractive Qualities a man must possess to attract women. More importantly, a man must communicate those qualities. Here is a list of some of the essential S&G qualities as embodied in the manifesto:

1. You live in your own world. You create your own reality and possess leadership skills that make other want to be apart of your world.
2. You are emotionally unaffected. Outside reality has little affect on your own mental makeup. Girlare used to being emotional and expect to have the power to emotionally affect men. When they run into a male who does not exude needy-reactive behavior, she is intrigued. This is related to the courtier's concept of "Sprezzatura." A courtier should have a detached, cool, and nonchalant attitude. 3. You do not seek validation from outside reality. This speaks to inner strength. In other words, you love yourself and are non-validation seeking. 4. You are well kept. When a man is well groomed, Girlappreciate him. This is different from being naturally good-looking. 5. You are a selfless giver. People who come from abundance whether in relationships or in personal wealth, give emotional energy, intelligence, and wit selflessly. 6. You come from a place of abundance. If you have Girlin your life already, you come off as someone who is coming from a place of abundance. Act like a person who comes from a place of abundance in all facets. 7. Intelligence. Girllike men who can carry a conversation on ideas. 8. Social savvy. Be friendly with all people who come into your life. Girlare incredibly socially savvy individuals are take notice. 9. Leadership. Girlsecretly want to be led and dominated. You do not put up with BS. 10. Vision. This goes along with having your own reality and leading in your reality. 11. Protector of loved ones. Girlare biologically wired to be attracted to someone who is a provider and can protect them. 12. Be humble and un-egotistical. Lead through actions and not words. You do not want to come off as braggy. 13. Be Positive. Being negative can quickly destroy interactions. People love being around contagious positive people. 14. Admire Girlfor their personality and not just sex. Like her for who she is and she will be more attracted to you. 15. You make sure that you get what you want. You do not leave an interaction without adding to your own reality.

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